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University Women's Club Historical Timeline

1900 Name changed to Ladies of the Faculty. Membership fee set at $1.
1904 Committee formed to prepare Constitution and By-Laws.
1910 Nominating committee formed to secure three names for each office to be
voted on by the Club.
1914 Name changed to University Women’s Association.
1915 First scholarship grant: $100
1921 Name changed to University Women’s Club.
1948 Board approved acceptance of space in Spooner-Thayer for a clubroom.
1950 Invited bachelor faculty members (50) to the annual reception.
1951 Voted to increase dues from $1 to $2. 1951 Voted to increase dues from $1 to $2.
1952 Interest Groups formed with seven original groups.
1955 Newcomers Fashion Show attended by 900.
1957 Dues increased from $2 to $5. Dr. Murphy suggested that a permanent clubroom
site to be possible in the Union expansion and asked if the Club would
assume responsibility for wives of married graduate students. The KU Dames
group was formed.
1960 UWC clubroom moved to the Union. First meeting was held in the Watkins
Room. The room was furnished by Mrs. Deane Malott; Dr. Malott made a personal
contribution in her name and secured matching funds. The Club began
the Malott Fund at KUEA to be used for furnishings and redecoration.
1963 Paid membership reaches 401!
1965 Five scholarships awarded; now 17 Interest Groups.
1966 Dues increased to $6; Board voted not to accept dues from life members but
would accept contributions. Offered opportunity to members to volunteer in
community service; 209 in KU Dames.
1970 Union burned, but Watkins Room not damaged. UWC offered its use to Union
during renovation.
1971 With financial help from the Union, UWC redecorated Watkins Room.
1978 New service group formed to assist Watkins Hospital staff. UWC cookbook
1983 Dues increased to $10. Approved establishment of endowed scholarship fund
with goal to reach $10,000, at which time annual earned interest would fund
annual awards.
1984 UWC receives bulk-mailing permit to help reduce cost of mailings.
1987 Scholarship endowed fund reaches $13,000!
1989 Dues increased to $15.
1990 Redecorated Watkins—now Malott Room.
1997 Resurrection and complete redesign of newsletter with four issues and annual
1998 Complete revision of UWC Constitution and By-Laws. Membership
 now open to all full-time university staff. Approved April 1998. Constitution
 and By-Laws published in directory.
 New UWC logo created of a Jayhawk wearing a UWC scarf. New logo on letterhead
 stationery with Board names. Luncheon reservation coupons available
 in newsletters. UWC Discount Coupon books sold downtown. UWC membership
 cards presented for first time—not too successful. Scholarship given honoring
 Betsy Beisecker. Scholarship donations reached record amounts.
 Members served as KS Union waitresses to earn dollars for Scholarship Fund. 
 New etched glass nameplate given above Malott Room entrance doors.
 Annual dues now $20! Membership totals 274. Mary Elizabeth Debicki names Martha
 Langley chair of 100th year celebration.
1999 Malott Room gets a facelift. “Centennial Cookbook” and our history, “Tea and
 Empathy” written by members; styleshow Events & Fashions Through the Years
 staged in the Union Ballroom. UWC memorial bench placed in Pioneer Cemetery.
2003 Constitution amended and approved—clarification. Publications designer produces
 new logo: two flags over Fraser Hall and letterhead stationery, informal
 notecards; Come Join Us cards for recruitment; and scholar awards booklets and
 certificates. Scholarship annual donations exceed special goal of $10,000.
2004 Lawrence Sesquicentennial celebrated with UWC Legacy theme and $1915 gift to
 Stepping Stone fundraiser for Sesquicentennial Point honoring initial year—
 1915—of scholarships.
2005 90th Year Scholarship Awards brass plaque presented to membership and placed in
 new curio cabinet in Malott Room, along with Japanese doll, china and crystal
 service pieces, brass samovar, and ledger of past 50 years’ board members, written
 by hand.
2006 KU alumna, former Kansas Senator Nancy Landon Kassebaum spoke at scholarship
 benefit in KS Room before large crowd and several KU women receiving
 awards in April; a lovely formal reception followed in Malott Room. Approximately
 $6500 in ticket sales and donations received.
2007 KUEA endowed fund reached more than $100,000! Benefit dinner parties raised
2008 Connie Robinson heirloom quilt brought in $3000 with 170 tickets sold citywide.
2009 Annual membership dues raised to $25. Fall Tour de Greek Houses benefit nets
2010 Major redesign plans begun for Malott Room.
2011 Robert Malott family gift of Eleanor S. Malott portrait hung with special lighting
 and tribute plaque installed. Purse and Scarf Silent Auction adds more than $1000
 to the Malott Room Fund.
2012 UWC membership opens to KU women graduates; 63 join, doubling usual number
 of new members annually. On north wall of Malott Room, artist –rendered
 background designed for our name, founding date, and mission in brief.
 Three large brass plaques hung for displayed names of former UWC presidents (to
 date) and scholarship recipients. Hallway monitor installed by KS Union for viewing
 UWC history and current Club activities.
2013 UWC commissioned mosaic panels featuring three seasons by KU grad student
 displayed in west patio off Malott Room. Patio location of container herb garden
 used by Union kitchens.
 Notecards depicting the mosaic panels sold to support Malott Room plans.
 Lawrence and Kansas History Group begins 10th year of programming with large
 Scholarship awards through 98th year total approximately $135,225; 223 awards
2014 Membership continued to grow with 41 new and renewing members and 45 honored
 members (50 or more years). Total membership at 322.
 Celebrations for 100th year of scholarship awards planned with centennial themes.
 Small group tea parties for new members established and hosted by UWC Board
 members in their homes.
2015 Members total 366. Ten Centennial Scholarships awarded.
2019 Began using ClubExpress as an electronic tool for club administration and maintaining the UWC website.
2020 Installed hearing loop in Malott Room. COVID-19 pandemic requires the suspension of in-person club activities; Board meetings and programs are held virtually.